Registration for:

Business Programme of the German Pavilion at Thessaloniki International Fair 2024
September 9th to 13th 2024 | 13:00 – 16:00


If you would still like to participate in the business programme, please contact:

Presented by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

In cooperation with:

German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Thessaloniki


LMI-Leipziger Messe International GmbH

Place: Thessaloniki International Fair, Hall 13, German Pavilion

You can find the complete programme at:

For your organization: the business programme takes place in the following locations:
• Main Stage (registration necessary)
• B2B-Lounge (registration necessary)
• Conference rooms Leipzig and Köln (registration necessary)

The capacity of the conference rooms and B2B-Lounge is limited. A timely registration assures the possibility to participate. Please select the events of interest below. You can register for multiple events.

An exhibitor badge automatically authorizes you to participate. With it, no further registration for the events is necessary. If you do not have an exhibitor badge, registration is mandatory. You will then receive the “guest badges” by email shortly.

Registering does not constitute in a claim for a seat. You will receive a confirmation of registration and will be able to update your registration later on (e.g. in case of a cancelation due to sickness, so someone else can participate in your place).

The Participation in the business programme at the German Pavilion at Thessaloniki International Fair is free of charge. Please note, that all events will be in English. To enter the premises, a valid “exhibitor badge” or the “guest badge” is necessary. Without it, no participation will be possible.

Personal data will only be processed to the extent necessary and within the scope of consent and will be deleted within an appropriate deletion period. All information on data protection at Leipziger Messe GmbH is available at:



Monday, 9 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

13:00  – 14:15
GSTT – German Society for Trenchless Technology e.V.


“Trenchless solutions for the installation and rehabilitation of underground pipeline infrastructure from Germany”

14:30 – 15:15
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Greece

Panel discussion

“Interconnectivity of German & Greek energy grids”

15:30 – 17:00
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

Panel discussion

“Digitalization and AI: Enabler or challenge for future logistics?”

Programme in English

13:00  – 13:45
TACHOfresh GmbH


“The digital tachograph in Europe – challenges from EU Mobility Package 1”

14:00 – 15:30
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


“Innovation Campus Future Mobility” + “Mobility technologies & software-defined mobility”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English

13:30  – 14:00
Fraunhofer Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML


“The Future in Aviation Logistics – AI, Digitalization and Automation”

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

13:00  – 13:45
German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“The perspective of Greek-German economic relations”

14:15 – 14:35
LED-Light-Germany GmbH


“High-Performance LED Lighting Technology & Concepts – Efficient, Comfortable, Healthy & Sustainable”

14:45 – 15:30
German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“International Activities and German Chambers all over the World: The Strengths of the Global Network of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce Abroad (AHK)”

15:45 – 16:30
German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“Spa Tourism: Opportunities for Investment and Development”

Programme in English

13:00  – 13:30
Contact Me Solutions GmbH

Impulse Presentation

“The future of networking or beyond LinkedIn”

15:00 – 15:20
MStR Consult GmbH


“Claw Back in pharmaceutical enterprises in Greece”

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

13:15  – 13:45
Klaro GmbH


“Resource wastewater - simple reuse for private homes, hotels, urban areas and municipalities”

14:00 – 14:45
German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“Energy Recovery from Biowastes – a Prime Example for Circular Economy”

15:00 – 15:30
Siemens SA

Panel discussion

“Digitalizing water for sustainable cities: The Thessaloniki‘s success story”

15:45 – 16:45
Federal Foreign Office, GIZ

Panel discussion

“Decarbonization and green Diversification: Realizing the Greek net zero targets through the ramp-up of a national green hydrogen economy”

Programme in English

13:15 – 13:45
N³ Nachhaltigkeits-


“Healthier soils in Europe - valorize your bio-waste. Ecological and economic synergies for soil protection: The role of bio-waste in the current European policy.”

14:00 – 14:15
LED-Light-Germany GmbH


“HIGH-PERFORMANCE LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY & CONCEPTS „Efficient, Comfortable, Healthy & Sustainable”

14:30 – 14:45
BSW - Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.


“Deep Dive Germany PV and Battery Storage Market”

15:00 – 16:00
HDI Global SE


“Battery Energy Storage Systems”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English

13:00  – 13:30
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


“HYDRA: An innovative process to gain green hydrogen from waste biomass”

13:45  – 14:30
Vortex Europe GmbH & Flowtec


“Manhole and pipeline renovation by use of Geokrete geopolymer”

14:45  – 15:15
smartGAS Mikrosensorik GmbH

“Harnessing Hydrogen: The Future of Ammonia Production”

15:30  – 15:45
MStR Consult GmbH


“Implementation of renewable energy projects in Greece”

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

12:45  – 13:45
AMNA News Agency / Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Athens

Panel discussion


14:00 – 14:45


“Growing without borders: Enterprise Europe Network – your partner for international business success”

15:45 – 16:30
German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD Greece and Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki


“Studies made in Germany for kids and adults – Goethe-Institut and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)”

Programme in English

13:00 – 13:25
Solar Institut Jülich FH Aachen


“Prototype development of a point-focusing multi-facet solar collector for medium-temperature industrial applications: simulations and test results”

13:25 – 13:50
Solar-Institut Jülich FH Aachen


“Demonstration of a solar-driven trigeneration system with thermal energy storagy at the Lavrio Technological and Cultural Park in Attica, Greece”

15:00 – 15:30
Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR)


“EU funding: opportunities for Europe to come together in research and innovation”

15:45 – 16:00
MStR Consult GmbH


“Greek legal framework for private universities”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English

13:00  – 14:15
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“Future4VET: Cooperation Project on Collaboration between Social Partners in Vocational Education & Training”

14:30  – 15:45
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce


“Potential of European VET Cooperation for the Implementation of VET Reform”

Friday, 13 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

13:00  – 13:45
Petanux GmbH


“Automation, Digitalization, Industry 4.0, AI Act, Generative AI: Where are we and what should we do?”

14:00 – 15:00
Engel & Völkers Greece

Panel discussion

“The Digitalization of Real Estate: Agenda 2030”

15:15 – 15:30
Siemens SA


“Driving Innovation with Siemens Xcelerator”

15:45 – 16:30
Digital Hub Initiative GTAI


“Start-up Pitches: German Tech Talents”

Programme in English

13:00  – 13:30
P3 Group GmbH


“AI Act - Impact on Organizations with AI systems.”

13:45 – 14:15
P3 Group GmbH


“Cloud Migration Strategies for Business Scalability and Agility”

14:30  – 14:45
MStR Consult GmbH


“Legal regulations on digitalization in Greece”

15:00  – 15:30


“Successful Implementation of a Digital Transformation”

The programme is subject to change.


Personal data will be used exclusively for the means of realizing the business programme and will be deleted within the legal timeframe.

Note: We would like to point out that photos and videos will be taken during the program.


Only the personal data required to achieve the legitimate purpose will be processed. Corresponding agreements regarding the transfer of data to third parties are concluded in advance.

Registration Deadline:  8th September 2024 | 12:00


Registration for:

Business Programme of the German Pavilion at Thessaloniki International Fair 2024
September 9th to 13th 2024 | 13:00 – 16:00

Registration Deadline:  2nd September 2024


Registration is closed. If you would still like to participate in the business programme, please contact:

Presented by:

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

In cooperation with:

German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Thessaloniki


LMI-Leipziger Messe International GmbH

Place: Thessaloniki International Fair, Hall 13, German Pavilion

You can find the complete programme at:

For your organization: the business programme takes place in the following locations:
• Main Stage (registration necessary)
• B2B-Lounge (registration necessary)
• Conference rooms Leipzig and Köln (registration necessary)

The capacity of the conference rooms and B2B-Lounge is limited. A timely registration assures the possibility to participate. Please select the events of interest below. You can register for multiple events.

An exhibitor badge automatically authorizes you to participate. With it, no further registration for the events is necessary. If you do not have an exhibitor badge, registration is mandatory. You will then receive the “guest badges” by email shortly.

Registering does not constitute in a claim for a seat. You will receive a confirmation of registration and will be able to update your registration later on (e.g. in case of a cancelation due to sickness, so someone else can participate in your place).

The Participation in the business programme at the German Pavilion at Thessaloniki International Fair is free of charge. Please note, that all events will be in English. To enter the premises, a valid “exhibitor badge” or the “guest badge” is necessary. Without it, no participation will be possible.

Personal data will only be processed to the extent necessary and within the scope of consent and will be deleted within an appropriate deletion period. All information on data protection at Leipziger Messe GmbH is available at:



I hereby register for the following programme items of the business programme at the German Pavilion at Thessaloniki International Fair 2024 (multiple registrations possible)


To display the event selection, please select the days first.


Monday, 9 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English


“Trenchless solutions for the installation and rehabilitation of underground pipeline infrastructure from Germany”

Panel discussion

“Interconnectivity of German & Greek energy grids”

Panel discussion

“Digitalization and AI: Enabler or challenge for future logistics?”

Programme in English


“The digital tachograph in Europe – challenges from EU Mobility Package 1”


“Innovation Campus Future Mobility” + “Mobility technologies & software-defined mobility”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English


“The Future in Aviation Logistics – AI, Digitalization and Automation”

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English


“The perspective of Greek-German economic relations”


“High-Performance LED Lighting Technology & Concepts – Efficient, Comfortable, Healthy & Sustainable”


“International Activities and German Chambers all over the World: The Strengths of the Global Network of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce Abroad (AHK)”


“Spa Tourism: Opportunities for Investment and Development”

Programme in English

Impulse Presentation

“The future of networking or beyond LinkedIn”


“Claw Back in pharmaceutical enterprises in Greece”

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English


“Resource wastewater - simple reuse for private homes, hotels, urban areas and municipalities”


“Energy Recovery from Biowastes – a Prime Example for Circular Economy”

Panel discussion

“Digitalizing water for sustainable cities: The Thessaloniki‘s success story”

Panel discussion

“Decarbonization and green Diversification: Realizing the Greek net zero targets through the ramp-up of a national green hydrogen economy”

Programme in English


“Healthier soils in Europe - valorize your bio-waste. Ecological and economic synergies for soil protection: The role of bio-waste in the current European policy.”


“HIGH-PERFORMANCE LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY & CONCEPTS „Efficient, Comfortable, Healthy & Sustainable”


“Deep Dive Germany PV and Battery Storage Market”


“Battery Energy Storage Systems”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English


“HYDRA: An innovative process to gain green hydrogen from waste biomass”


“Manhole and pipeline renovation by use of Geokrete geopolymer”

“Harnessing Hydrogen: The Future of Ammonia Production”


“Implementation of renewable energy projects in Greece”

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English

Panel discussion



“Growing without borders: Enterprise Europe Network – your partner for international business success”


“Studies made in Germany for kids and adults – Goethe-Institut and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)”

Programme in English


“Prototype development of a point-focusing multi-facet solar collector for medium-temperature industrial applications: simulations and test results”


“Demonstration of a solar-driven trigeneration system with thermal energy storagy at the Lavrio Technological and Cultural Park in Attica, Greece”


“EU funding: opportunities for Europe to come together in research and innovation”


“Greek legal framework for private universities”

Conference Room Leipzig
Programme in English


“Future4VET: Cooperation Project on Collaboration between Social Partners in Vocational Education & Training”


“Potential of European VET Cooperation for the Implementation of VET Reform”

Friday, 13 September 2024

Main Stage

Programme in English


“Automation, Digitalization, Industry 4.0, AI Act, Generative AI: Where are we and what should we do?”

Panel discussion

“The Digitalization of Real Estate: Agenda 2030”


“Driving Innovation with Siemens Xcelerator”


“Start-up Pitches: German Tech Talents”

Programme in English


“AI Act - Impact on Organizations with AI systems.”


“Cloud Migration Strategies for Business Scalability and Agility”


“Legal regulations on digitalization in Greece”


“Successful Implementation of a Digital Transformation”

The programme is subject to change.


Personal data will be used exclusively for the means of realizing the business programme and will be deleted within the legal timeframe.

Note: We would like to point out that photos and videos will be taken during the program.


Only the personal data required to achieve the legitimate purpose will be processed. Corresponding agreements regarding the transfer of data to third parties are concluded in advance.